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2033-2035 Clark rue, Montréal  📌  Year: 2014   ("Clark")   Streets of Montréal  Random discovery ! Arrondissement: Ville-Marie

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Positioning on an old map 1960

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Positioning on an old map 1949

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Positioning on an old map 1912

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Positioning on an old map 1890

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Positioning on an old map 1879

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Positioning on an old map 1825

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Positioning on an old map 1815

The position on this 1815 map is approximate

2033-2035 Clark rue

Building year: 2014

Arrondissement: - Ville-Marie

City: Montréal

Building usage: Stationnement intérieur (condo)

Histograd local id: 50716

Creation date: 2019-04-08 21:12:35 Modification date: 2023-04-18

Les rues disparues avec la construction du Complexe Desjardins

Comme il est possible de voir sur la carte ancienne de 1912, plusieurs petites rues ont littéralement disparues avec la construction du Complexe Desjardins: La rue Benoit, Vallée, De Vienne et St-Georges.

2050 boulevard Saint-Laurent

Ancient magazín La Place

This page have been seen 536 times.

Historical score:6

Localisation: Montréal, MTL, YUL, Québec, Canada

* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.

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