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Map details Evaluate precision Bad Ok Good
Map details Evaluate precision Bad Ok Good
Map details Evaluate precision Bad Ok Good
Building year: 1
City: Montréal
Histograd local id: 1192613
Creation date: 2020-04-28 13:56:14 Modification date: 2024-11-05
Bâtisse qu'a occupé le cirque du soleil à ses débuts
j ai mis la main sur un carton d allumettes qui fait la promo d un club qui s appelait "Le Dôme" au 1364 Ste-Catherine E. Leur slogan était "L autre façon de sortir " Je suppose dans les années '60. Qq un a des souvenirs de çà ?
This page have been seen 1153 times.
Historical score:2019
Localisation: Montréal, MTL, YUL, Québec, Canada
* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.
To find out who lived in this house in the last century search in this historic street index.
Lovell Street Index
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Once the lonely House amidst Fields and a Railway running along Lucerne was a Farm House..and then it became the Office of the Builder that developed Lucerne..regrettably, the old 100 year-old M...
3449 Peel Street was a student Residence run by the Christian Fellowship Association in the 1940's and 50's. I was there from 1947 to 1950.
Cette maison a été construite en 1960 et était la propriété de monsieur Louis Leclerc
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