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Further to my previous correspondence, I’m contacting you once again with regard to the following outstanding invoice: Invoice Number: 89101/2020 Amount: 4780$ USD This invoice was due and remains unpaid. Given the lack of response on your side after several attempts to contact you and emails bouncing we will shortly begin legal proceedings in order to receive the monies owed. Immediate payment will result in us closing this issue without need for legal action. I have attached a copy of the invoice for your reference. Regards, Carl Simton Collections officer Capital Collections USA
Further to my previous correspondence, I’m contacting you once again with regard to the following outstanding invoice: Invoice Number: 89101/2020 Amount: 4780$ USD This invoice was due and remains unpaid. Given the lack of response on your side after several attempts to contact you and emails bouncing we will shortly begin legal proceedings in order to receive the monies owed. Immediate payment will result in us closing this issue without need for legal action. I have attached a copy of the invoice for your reference. Regards, Carl Simton Collections officer Capital Collections USA
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