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Building year: 1
City: New York City
Floor height (above ground): 2
Building usage: Store Building - Predominant Retail with Other Uses K4
Histograd local id: 988875
Creation date: 2019-05-17 21:58:00 Modification date: 2024-11-05
Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts, founded in 1982, is an independent, not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the architectural legacy, livability, and sense of place of the Upper East Side.
Before this 1959 building, it was the F. W. Seybel Co. Ladies Hat
I am also trying to figure who owned and operated this property in 1951. I have a photo from my father's, uncle's, grandfather's, and grandmother's ship manifest, and it says they were headed here in 1951. They were displaced persons as well, grandfather from Ukrainian S.S.R. and grandmother from Poland (modern-day Ukraine), all 4 were leaving from displaced persons camp in Austria.
According to New York Building Database, this tower was built in 1965
My grandfather's brother (Ira Wilson Anderson) lived there in October 8, 1873. It listed him as a porter. He worked for B Williams of 78 Madison Avenue. His father was Clinton B Luck and his mother was Sally Anderson....Would greatly appreciate any information of the era. All this information is new to our family. My mother's father was Henry Anderson.
That's funny, Ira was my 3x great grandfather - I just googled this address myself to research the same thing!
when did Service Manufacturing Co. occupy this address..
This page have been seen 1284 times.
Historical score:2019
Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA
* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.
I found my Grandmother's Citizenship papers from 1937. The address is 2070 3rd Avenue. I always knew my father grew up in East Harlem, 3rd & 112th street. I am looking for anything from that time p...
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