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3826 Harvard avenue, Montréal  📌  Year: 1   ("Harvard")   Streets of Montréal  Random discovery ! ,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

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Positioning on an old map 1949

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Positioning on an old map 1912

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Positioning on an old map 1879

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Positioning on an old map 1815

The position on this 1815 map is approximate

3826 Harvard avenue

Building year: 1

City: Montréal

Histograd local id: 90853

Creation date: 2019-04-08 21:13:36 Modification date: 2024-11-05

2278-2280 Hingston avenue

This is a historical building in the sense that it is typical of the well built post-WW1 homes built for the ''petite bourgeoisie'' of Montreal. The building in question (2278 and 2280 Hingston) is comprised of two units, one which was intended for occupancy by the owner and the second to be rented out or occupied by a family member. As the buyers were typically relatively well off, they demanded certain ''well being'' comforts, hence each building has a grass covered front lawn to keep the building away from the street as well as having a relatively spacious back yard where the owner could relax with his family or tend to a modest garden. This particular building has been well maintained over the years but has seen only few cosmetic changes to its original design, hence one can see the various conveniences that were built into the walls for the benefit of the inhabitants, for example, an integrated ironing board that could be folded up into its own small cupboard. Bathrooms were fully tiled and equiped (bath, shower, sink, toilet, etc.) , something that many residential buildings dis not fully have at that time (1927). This particular building also had a full size basement with a cement floor, also something that not all units on the street had.

2296-2298 Regent avenue

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5470-5472 Duquette avenue

Accedi nel mondo di Winnita Casinò online: il posto dove il divertimento incontra la opportunità di vincere! Ogni funzionalità di questa piattaforma sicura e conforme è pensato per garantire l’esperienza migliore a chi ama il gioco d'azzardo. Sei pronto? Ogni clic potrebbe essere quello decisivo! Iscriviti adesso e fai il tuo primo passo verso il successo! Scommesse sportive Winnita Scommesse sportive Winnita

This page have been seen 1167 times.

Historical score:2019

Localisation: Montréal, MTL, YUL, Québec, Canada

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