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Building year: 1
City: New York City
Floor height (above ground): 1
Building usage: Store Building - One Story Retail Building K1
Histograd local id: 665389
Creation date: 2019-05-17 00:42:57 Modification date: 2024-11-05
Did someone ever die in this apartment?
This page have been seen 1306 times.
Historical score:2019
Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA
* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.
I found my Grandmother's Citizenship papers from 1937. The address is 2070 3rd Avenue. I always knew my father grew up in East Harlem, 3rd & 112th street. I am looking for anything from that time p...
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