Légende de la carte Évaluer la précision mauvaise ok Bonne
Année de construction de cet immeuble: 1
Ville: New York City
Nombre d'étages hors sol: 6
Utilisation de l'immeuble : Residence / Multiple Use - Single or Multiple Dwelling with Stores or Offices S9
Histograd local id: 144660
Date de création: 2019-05-17 00:16:52 Date de modification: 2024-11-05
According to NYC building database, this one was built in 1910
This is not correct. My family lived here prior to 1902 through the 1960’s. This building was built prior to 1900.
This is not correct. My family lived here prior to 1902 through the 1960’s. This building was built prior to 1900.
Do you know when it was built? I don't understand why you say it not correct, there's no building year written for this place.
why is building classified as a landmark
HI, My great grandfather had a restaurant at 300 Bowery around 1907. Was 300 Bowery always at the same location or has it changed since then? His place was McDonald's Oyster House.
my grt, grt grandfather lived in 285 mott street in 1871, been there recently not sure if todays building is the same as the one he would have lived.
There used to be a store called Leslie Mark NY that said it was located at 162-163 Canal Street in NYC in 1912. I am trying to find any photos or information about it as I had a cabinet that was made from the store and need to have it reproduced to fit a smaller scaled place. But I cannot find any information on the store, building or anything other than the name and address that is etched on the back of the cabinet. Any help would be appreciated. thank you.
Are there pictures? of this location 153 Houston St back ending 1970s.
my grandparents came from Naples. they had a salumeria on the ground floor. my grandmother had 7 children who were born there including my father in 1910. I am guessing they moved in around 1904. those apartments were only one to a floor I believe. man grandmother was quite the business woman. she learned how to speak English and made the fresh sausage and ravioli and mozzarella. her ravioli was the best.
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Pointage historicité de cet endroit :2019
Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA
Nous faisons de notre mieux pour avoir une précision optimale, mais sur certaines cartes, il est difficile d'aller au-delà de 20m.
Record Store on park row across from Pace University in the 90s .. ?
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