Architect Minard LafeverThere are not comment for this place now.
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Building year: 1
City: New York City
Histograd local id: 1297464
Creation date: 2021-01-15 00:49:35 Modification date: 2024-11-05
16 Mott street was know at Chinese City Hall more then 100 years aho
Isn't this the wrong photo? The address on the awning says 42 Mulberry.
Any deaths?
There was an Italian import store named Serafino Piana at the address around 1900.
There used to be a store called Leslie Mark NY that said it was located at 162-163 Canal Street in NYC in 1912. I am trying to find any photos or information about it as I had a cabinet that was made from the store and need to have it reproduced to fit a smaller scaled place. But I cannot find any information on the store, building or anything other than the name and address that is etched on the back of the cabinet. Any help would be appreciated. thank you.
Was this a deli in 1925?
This page have been seen 1153 times.
Historical score:2019
Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA
* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.
Record Store on park row across from Pace University in the 90s .. ?
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