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785 8th Avenue 785 8th Avenue , New York City  📌   (785 8th Avenue)   Streets of New York City  Random discovery !

Architect Ismael Leyva ArchitectsThere are not comment for this place now.

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Positioning on an old map 1916

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Positioning on an old map 1885

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Positioning on an old map 1815

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785 8th Avenue 785 8th Avenue

City: New York City

Histograd local id: 1296247

Creation date: 2020-10-14 22:02:41 Modification date: 2023-04-18

Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts

Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts, founded in 1982, is an independent, not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the architectural legacy, livability, and sense of place of the Upper East Side. friends-ues.org/

777 8 AVE

Looks like this building will be replaced by a 27 story hotel

340 W 47th Street, Manhattan

This is giving year of build as 1916? I have a relative that died at this address in 1908...

144 W 47th Street, Manhattan

Who was Winthrop Peabody, who lived at 144 W 47th St NYC in June 1921?

340 W 47th Street, Manhattan

1916 is the publishing year of the map, not the construction year

This page have been seen 508 times.

Historical score:0

Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA

* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.

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To find former residents of this place, visit the directory New York City Directories (1815-1931) on NYPL Digital collection

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785 8th Avenue 785 8th Avenue, preset view, feel free to change it

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205 HUDSON Street, Manhattan

What stood at 205 Hudson Street before the current building, from 1912-1927?


163 W 4th Street

Was this the site of C .W Rayner factory ?


120 E 16th Street

when did Service Manufacturing Co. occupy this address..


Leighton House Residence Tower 360 East 88th Street

Hi, I just visited histograd.com and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do? Our videos cost just $195 for a 30 second video ($239 for 60 seconds) a...


183 ESSEX Street, Manhattan

I have a picture of my great grandfather that was taken there if you would like it.


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