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Building year: 1
Arrondissement: - Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
City: Montréal
Building usage: Espace de rangement (condo)
Histograd local id: 1166474
Creation date: 2020-04-28 13:24:59 Modification date: 2024-11-05
Connaissez-vous la raison historique derrière la courbe dans l'avenue du Parc à cet endroit entre Fairmount et Saint-Viateur?
Le Parc Saint-Michel a été aménager en partie sur un terrain autrefois occupé par les ateliers de l'Institut des Sourds et Muets localisés sur la rue Laurier de l'autre coté de la rue.
What was it when it was built
5278 st. Urbain i
I grew up on Casgrain St and lived at 5158A. I was 5 yrs old in 1949 when this aerial photo was taken. All the homes on that street had sheds in the back to store coal in the winter. Coal was used until the stoves were converted to oil probably some time in the late 30s. In back of the house is a laneway - we called it "Lucky Lane". A park with a baseball diamond was in back of Casgrain St and is still there. There was a skating rink put up in the winter and a nice chalet to warm up from the cold. There was a swing set, slide and monkey bars at the South end of the park. Kids were always playing outside until dark. Nice street to grow up. Still live in Montreal and have been back to visit the neighbourhood several times.
I grew up on Casgrain St and lived at 5158A. I was 5 yrs old in 1949 when this aerial photo was taken. All the homes on that street had sheds in the back to store coal in the winter. Coal was used until the stoves were converted to oil probably some time in the late 30s. In back of the house is a laneway - we called it "Lucky Lane". A park with a baseball diamond was in back of Casgrain St and is still there. There was a skating rink put up in the winter and a nice chalet to warm up from the cold. There was a swing set, slide and monkey bars at the South end of the park. Kids were always playing outside until dark. Nice street to grow up. Still live in Montreal and have been back to visit the neighbourhood several times.
This page have been seen 1336 times.
Historical score:2019
Localisation: Montréal, MTL, YUL, Québec, Canada
* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.
To find out who lived in this house in the last century search in this historic street index.
Lovell Street Index
Est-ce que Francine Truchon ou sa sœur Monique habite au 2148, rue Dézéry, à Montréal ? Faites-moi savoir à Merci!
11258 -11260 Saint-Vital (Monette en 1879) Construction 1932 sur le boulevard Angus (devenu boulevard Saint-Vital lors de la construction de l'église Saint Vital tout juste au sud) Les lots du se...
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