Map details Evaluate precision Bad Ok Good
Map details Evaluate precision Bad Ok Good
Map details Evaluate precision Bad Ok Good
Map details Evaluate precision Bad Ok Good
Building year: 1
Arrondissement: - Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
City: Montréal
Floor height (above ground): 2
Building usage: Logement
Histograd local id: 1153278
Creation date: 2020-04-28 13:24:44 Modification date: 2024-11-05
My great-grand parents used to live there (4554 Parthenais). At least in the 60ies. Actually, my great-grand Pa (last name Gaumont) died at the front door, from a heart attack, while he was installing the window. Anyone as information or photos from back in those days ?? My great grand-ma was named Desmarais. If so, please contact me 514-804-4817
Qui est proprio maintenait en 1949 m.j.g.ratelle était proprietaire
Es ce que quelqu un à une histoire à conté à propos du snack bar que mon Grand-Pere a eu durant la deuxième guerre mondiale ?
This page have been seen 1350 times.
Historical score:2019
Localisation: Montréal, MTL, YUL, Québec, Canada
* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.
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Bonjour, je cherche le dépanneur de mon enfance qui se trouvait sur la rue Saint-Germain entre la rue Ontario et la rue Winnipeg. Je crois que le propriétaire du dépanneur se prénommait Albert. C'...
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