Légende de la carte Évaluer la précision mauvaise ok Bonne
Année de construction de cet immeuble: 2005
Ville: New York City
Nombre d'étages hors sol: 7
Utilisation de l'immeuble : Condominiums - Mixed Residential & Commercial Building (Mixed Residential & Commercial) RM
Histograd local id: 1047702
Date de création: 2019-05-17 21:59:37 Date de modification: 2025-03-17
What structure was at this location (at the corner of Houston St.) before the bank building went up? My great-grandfather ran a photo studio at 183 Essex in the late 1800s
I have a photo of my great great grandfather taken at Moerz studio. Might that be your great grandfather
If the photographer is H. Merz (or Henry) and the studio is 183 Essex Street, then the photographer was my gg-grandfather. If you feel like making a digital copy of the photo, I would love a copy. I have about 30 portraits, but none of them is identified by the name of the subject. Let me know. Thanks! John Ward ... 2catsdriving [at] gmail.
I have a picture of my great grandfather that was taken there if you would like it.
Yes, please! John Ward 2catsdriving@gmail.com
Cette page a été vue 1578 fois.
Pointage historicité de cet endroit :15
Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA
Nous faisons de notre mieux pour avoir une précision optimale, mais sur certaines cartes, il est difficile d'aller au-delà de 20m.
I found my Grandmother's Citizenship papers from 1937. The address is 2070 3rd Avenue. I always knew my father grew up in East Harlem, 3rd & 112th street. I am looking for anything from that time p...
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