Légende de la carte Évaluer la précision mauvaise ok Bonne
Légende de la carte Évaluer la précision mauvaise ok Bonne
Année de construction de cet immeuble: 1
Ville: New York City
Nombre d'étages hors sol: 57
Utilisation de l'immeuble : Condominiums - Mixed Residential & Commercial Building (Mixed Residential & Commercial) RM
Histograd local id: 1000897
Date de création: 2019-05-17 21:58:20 Date de modification: 2024-11-05
412 Greenwich Street was the location of the well-known architect Thomas Pope Information about his bridge design can be seen in the Mercantile Advertiser, April 28, 1807, p. 2. This paid advertisement was reposted in other New York City newspapers while others were paid for and placed in other newspapers over the following weeks: New-York Commercial Advertiser, The New-York Evening Post, Morning Chronicle, The People's Friend & Daily Advertiser, New-York Spectator, New-York Herald. The advertisements then continued appearing through March 1808, inviting people to see his forty-seven feet long half model at 412 Greenwich Street in New York City. The Evening Post, January 14, 1808, p. 4. FOR MORE, see Ronald G. Knapp and Rerry E. Miller THEODORE BURR AND THE BRIDGING OF EARLY AMERICA 2023, pp. 165-1733
Cette page a été vue 1197 fois.
Pointage historicité de cet endroit :2019
Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA
Nous faisons de notre mieux pour avoir une précision optimale, mais sur certaines cartes, il est difficile d'aller au-delà de 20m.
Record Store on park row across from Pace University in the 90s .. ?
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