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3999 Montrose avenue, Montréal  📌   (Montrose)   Streets of Montréal  Random discovery !

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Positioning on an old map 1949

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Positioning on an old map 1912

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Positioning on an old map 1879

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Positioning on an old map 1815

The position on this 1815 map is approximate

3999 Montrose avenue

City: Montréal

Histograd local id: 1283400

Creation date: 2020-04-28 14:01:27 Modification date: 2023-04-18

1724 Cedar avenue

I was wondering if you can tell me the story of the construction of this building which seemingly halted around 2012 and got abandoned for a bit before being reuptaken (if thats the word) in 2007. I found the request to build dating from 2004, and I remember going there as a teen when it was abandoned. Any info helps!

1359 Greene avenue

What was at the address 1359 Greene Ave in 1930? Private residence, boarding house? Brothel? Can someone answer this question?

This page have been seen 450 times.

Historical score:0

Localisation: Montréal, MTL, YUL, Québec, Canada

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Tooke Brothers Limited Building

Non. Toutes les photos identifient l'édifice de la Tooke, aujourd'hui identifié comme l'éduifice ELPRO. L'étoile est bien positionnée.


11700 rue Pasteur

Y a t’il de l’amiante au 11700 pasteur


11700 rue Pasteur

Y a t’il de l’amiante au 11700 pasteur


8589-8593 avenue Henri-Julien

Quels sont les propriétaires actuels


4607 rue De Bullion

Chui née à 4607 rue bullion Montréal mais je vois pas la maison


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