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17780 Foster rue, Montréal  📌   (Foster)   Streets of Montréal  Random discovery !

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Positioning on an old map 1907

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Positioning on an old map 1815

The position on this 1815 map is approximate

17780 Foster rue

City: Montréal

Histograd local id: 1251355

Creation date: 2020-04-28 14:00:48 Modification date: 2023-04-18

Giant bush?!

Hey, so I was walking up the driveway, y'know, just going to see my friend, but there was a car in the way. There was no tire on it and it's been that way for years, so it gave me some mysterious vibes, but I decided to keep walking. Unfortunately, the car was in the way, so I stepped around it, and there it was... WHAM! A branch knocked me out. The trees have risen... Look, I don't know what is up with the killer branches on this driveway, but I'd really like to know. Also, never visit this ghost house. It has been removed from all websites and maps and there's a reason for it. Don't visit it! You will die!!! No one has ever made it inside alive!!!! They make eggs in the microwave!!!!!!!

This page have been seen 495 times.

Historical score:0

Localisation: Montréal, MTL, YUL, Québec, Canada

* We do our best to get the best accuracy, but in some maps it's hard to go beyond 20m.

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Tooke Brothers Limited Building

Non. Toutes les photos identifient l'édifice de la Tooke, aujourd'hui identifié comme l'éduifice ELPRO. L'étoile est bien positionnée.


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11700 rue Pasteur

Y a t’il de l’amiante au 11700 pasteur


8589-8593 avenue Henri-Julien

Quels sont les propriétaires actuels


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Chui née à 4607 rue bullion Montréal mais je vois pas la maison


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