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411 21 ST, New York City  📌  Année: 1853   (21)   Rues de New York City  Découverte aléatoire!

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New York City

Positionnement sur une carte ancienne 1916

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Positionnement sur une carte ancienne 1885

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Positionnement sur une carte ancienne 1815

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411 21 ST

Année de construction de cet immeuble: 1853

Borough: Manhattan

Ville: New York City

Cette place fait partie du secteur historique Chelsea Historic District

Nombre d'étages hors sol: 5

Utilisation de l'immeuble : Walk up apartments - Cooperative C6

Histograd local id: 209297

Date de création: 2019-05-17 00:18:41 Date de modification: 2023-04-18

Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts

Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts, founded in 1982, is an independent, not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the architectural legacy, livability, and sense of place of the Upper East Side. friends-ues.org/

514 W 25th Street, Manhattan

My grandmother Helen (Nellie) Gray emigrated from Scotland UK in August 1923 and according to the ship's passenger list came to live at this address to stay with her auntie Mrs Cecelia Fenwick. Surprised to discover that the building still exists.

98 10th AVE

New York Herald, 9 February 1888 DEATH Peter Graney aged 71 years at his residence, No 98 10th Av. Funeral takes place on Friday at 10 a.m. thence to St Bernard's Church West 14th St, where a solemn requiem mass will be offered up for the repose of his soul, thence to Calvary Cemetery.

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Pointage historicité de cet endroit :167

Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA

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153 E HOUSTON Street

Are there pictures? of this location 153 Houston St back ending 1970s.


309 E 61st Street, Manhattan

Anyone know who built and originally owned 309 E. 61st Street?


310 E 6th Street

What was at 306 E 6th St before the current building built in 1900? I have as 1880 census showing a family living at this address.


160 CANAL Street, Manhattan

There used to be a store called Leslie Mark NY that said it was located at 162-163 Canal Street in NYC in 1912. I am trying to find any photos or information about it as I had a cabinet that was made...


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