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st elizabeth 612 West 187th Street, Manhattan, New York City  📌   (187)   Streets of New York City  Random discovery !

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st elizabeth 612 West 187th Street, Manhattan

Borough: Manhattan

City: New York City

Histograd local id: 1031562

Creation date: 2019-05-17 21:59:10 Modification date: 2023-04-18


Memories! Heights theater box office Mary Kennedy used to work there!

This page have been seen 482 times.

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Localisation: New York City, NYC New York State, USA

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309 E 61st Street, Manhattan

Anyone know who built and originally owned 309 E. 61st Street?


310 E 6th Street

What was at 306 E 6th St before the current building built in 1900? I have as 1880 census showing a family living at this address.


160 CANAL Street, Manhattan

There used to be a store called Leslie Mark NY that said it was located at 162-163 Canal Street in NYC in 1912. I am trying to find any photos or information about it as I had a cabinet that was made...



Was there a shoe maker shop at 1475 Madison in 1903-1910


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